About US

At Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church we practice the traditional Orthodox rituals and services.  At this time, we are served by visiting clergy.

International Days Volunteers

Located in the heart of Downtown Rock Springs, Wyoming, we offer amenities  to the community through rentals of the church hall as well as special events that are open to all members of the community.

Rock Springs, WY

Saturday divine liturgy

The visiting clergy are full-time clergy in other Orthodox communities. Through special dispensation of His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine of Denver, we have been given permission to celebrate Divine Liturgy on Saturdays. This gives our community the opportunity to have regular services.

We are currently being served by Father David Henderson.

Father David Henderson is the full-time priest at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Craig, Colorado. 

The special dispensation allows Father to serve both parishes. We are extremely grateful to His Eminence Constantine. We are so very blessed to have Father David with us,




FEB 2025

6:00 pm-VESPERS









FEB 2025


10:00 am-Divine Liturgy

SATURDAY OF THE SOULS-Please bring a list of the name of your deceased loved ones to be included in the service

Potluck following services

Digital Chant Stand

The GOA Digital Chant Stand provides resources intended to enhance the worship experience of the Orthodox faithful with easily accessible liturgical texts and music.  

Download Links:

Apple iPhone App Store

Android – Google Play Store

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America article


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America –

Metropolis of Denver



North America Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

National Site for North America Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
